Microcement Medium + Resin
High performance hydraulic microcement made from calcic cements and impalpable (fine) marble sands, aside from other additives that, when mixed with the above, furnish it with magnificent physical, chemical and aesthetic properties.It is used to produce highly decorative continuous lining that has a cement and mineral-like appearance; on floors, walls, bathtubs, sinks, and so on.
1 Unit =
1 container with Component A, in white powder form 1kg, 5kg, 10kg & 20kg
1 container with Component B, in liquid form 0.37lt, 1.85lt, 3.7lt & 7.4lt
Approx Coverage 20kg Unit Per 20 – 22 sqm
Suggested Uses
Hotels, offices, business premises, shopping centres, schools and nurseries, hospitals, museums and residential properties. The product offers magnificent qualities, including:
– The provision of a continuous lining.
– Fire-resistance (due to its mineral nature).
– Breathability (permeable to molecules of water vapour).
– Due to its crystalline structure, it reflects light and heat radiation.
– Aseptic (high alkalinity of 12.5).
– Anti-static.
– Low allergenic levels.
– Excellent aging, due to the action of the CO2 it becomes progressively harder.
– High resistance to rubbing/wear.
– High adhesion.
– High flexibility for a mineral lining.
– Low thermal diffusion.
Use 2 coats of Microcement Base before applying 2 coats of Microcement Medium.
Microcement Medium can be used on all floors and walls.